Indian food is different from rest of the world not just in taste but also in cooking. Foods of India are better known for its spiciness. Throughout India, be it North India or South India, spices are used generously in food. But one must not forget that every single spice used in Indian dishes carries some or the other nutritional as well as medicinal properties. 

Some Indian foods are...


Biryani is a mixed rice dish from the Indian Subcontinent. It is made with spices, rice and meat or vegetables.


Momo is a type of dumpling native to Tibet, traditionally filled with yak meat and eaten with a variety of sauces.It is similar to Chinese baozi and jiaozi, Mongolian buuz, Japanese gyoza, Turkic mantu and Korean mandu
Idli is a traditional breakfast in South Indian households. Idli is a savoury cake that is popular throughout India and neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka.

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